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NGF workshop med Margherita Spagunolo Lobb

13 mars 2020 – 09:00 - 14 mars 2020 – 16:00

NGF inviterer

Vi har fortsatt ledige plasser på work-shop

13 og 14 mars 2020

Vi har invitert Margherita Spagunolo Lobb til å avholde en workshop for terapeuter og en for veiledere. Hun har også sagt ja til å holde en forelesning i forkant av årsmøtet 2020

workshop for veiledere
fredag 13 mars
Gestalt therapy

Three domains of recognition in supervision
Supervision is a fundamental process for psychotherapists. How is Gestalt therapy supervision different from other approaches? How do its principles apply to supervision processes? What kind of qualification is needed? Along with the development of psychotherapy profession and trainings, supervision becomes an important issue to be focused and elaborated at many levels in our community. A model of Supervision as recognition of three professional domains will be presented and experimented.

Pris: 1600.-
Tid: 09.00-16.00
Workshopen avholdes i Oslo.
Bindende påmelding med ved registrert betaling til kontonummer 5082.08.43603

PFO: 6 timer i kategori B (NGF)




workshop for terapeuter
lørdag 14 mars
The Aesthetic Relational

Between the deliberate and the spontaneity
This workshop will propose a new way to see the therapist’s awareness in terms of field, to be used both in therapy and supervision. Participants will experiment their feelings and (more or less implicit) movements in the therapeutic setting, and will learn how to use them in a field perspective. They will see how their spontaneous aesthetic relational knowledge of the client can be a powerful therapeutic competence, which help orient themselves in the actual contact-making with the client, as a co-created dance.

Tid: 09.00-16.00
Workshopen avholdes i Oslo.
Bindende påmelding ved registrert betaling til kontonummer 5082.08.43603

PFO: 6 timer i kategori B (NGF)


13 mars 2020 – 09:00
14 mars 2020 – 16:00
Kategori for Arrangement:


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